Date: Location: Walk Leader: Participants: Distance: Parking: Lunch: | 12th August 2015 Alderholt Clive Clive, Peter, Ray, Rob 5.6 miles In the lane Swans Verwood ★★ ▲ |
We set off from a quiet, pleasant little parking spot in the lane, walked back to the laniard found the well marked path. Well marked but rather overgrown. We battled our way through the brambles and came out onto some open fields. We then had a reasonably gentle stroll up towards Lopshill where the signs vanished and the route became rather obscure. We meandered our way down to some farm buildings where a quite unpleasant lady told us we are not on the proper path. We, very politely of course, invited her to put us right, which she abjectly failed to do. So with a little effort we found the clearly marked path to Lopshill Farm. There we met with the local post who advised us NOT to try to walk through the farm as there were a couple of Dobermans on the loose. Memories kicked in and three of us remembered past problems in this area. We decided that valour was not on the menu and set about re-planning the route. This worked out pretty well until just after the B3078 yet another clearly marked path turned out to be impassable. Yet again we found a way to overcome our difficulties and eventually arrive safely back at the car. Well three of us did. Ray was viciously, and quite unreasonably, attacked by a wasp that stung him on the eyelid. An antihistamine tablet (later, in conversation with the eye hospital, referred to as a hysterectomy tablet) helped reduce the swelling and an iced eye patch added to the cure.
The lunch at Swans seemed very good but three eggs turned out to be a disaster for Rob who was still feeling poorly the next day.
Beware the barbed wire!
I decided to "Google" Lops Hill Farm and was surprised to find they are inviting people there for holidays, caravans, mobile homes, a new luxury barn and fishing. So I have emailed them to ask where we can walk safely across their property. If I get a decent reply I will amend this post accordingly.