Date: Location: Walk Leader: Participants: Distance: Parking: Lunch: | 30th April 2016 Ashmore Ray Ray, Peter, Rob 7.2 miles Beside Asmore pond The Curlew ★★★★☆ |
We started walking down the very small lane leading south south east from the pond and got carried away looking at one of the houses before we realised we had gone too far! We turned round walked 100 yards back and turned east towards Tollard Royal. It's quite an easy walk all the way into Tollard Royal as it is downhill and Tollard Royal is 348 feet lower than Ashmore! Not everyone knows that. |
We had a nice little deviation at Tollard Royal that greatly added to the interest as we spied film characters in several gardens. Just one example on the left. We back tracked a short way and took the lane that goes by the church and King John's House before turning into the woods towards Tollard Pack. The wood was full of ramsons but unfortunately they were not quite in flower yet. |
It was nevertheless a lovely place to sit and have a rest looking down towards King John's House and its extensive grounds. Should you wish to stay in the house you can book it at: It will only cost about you between £3252 and £6012 for a week and you will are able to take 14 friends. There is some interesting information on the area and the Pitt Rivers family here: |
We aslo spotted:
Stichwort, Yellow Archangel, Wood Anemone, Campion, Violets, Cowslip.
We had lunch at The Curlew, another Vintage Inn that we had not been to for a long time. The chicken and leek pie was as good as ever and we were even offered refills of tea.