There was a time when we just had to rely on a map and a compass and our, sometimes not too accurate, sense of direction.
Nowadays things are different. Peter started using an iPad mini to record the walks and to follow them using digital maps. Rob followed suit and now also has an iPad Mini.
Peter and Rob were not aware of Apple's latest invention the Tripad.
This has the great advantage that it is a dual purpose piece of kit that can be used, not only for navigational purposes, but also to keep the sun out of the wearer's eyes.
We only heard about this two weeks ago when Ray enquired at the Bat and Ball about the Tripad Visor.
Rob was so excited that he immediately went out and bought one.
You can see him wearing it here when we revisited the Bat and Ball on the 2nd March.
Just click on the image to see a bigger version.