Date: Location: Walk Leader: Participants: Distance: Parking: Lunch: | 30th April 2014 Pennington Marshes Clive Clive, Peter, Ray 6.8 miles Chequers Chequers ★★ |
Parked at The Chequers near Lower Pennington after TomTom took us down the wrong road!
It was quite misty but not too cold at first. Clive took off his jacket but as soon as we turned the corner at Eight Acre Pond it was time to put it back on again.
Just past Woodside Farm we tried to turn left to take the track across the Marshes but it was invisible and the ground was very wet so we gave that idea up and returned to the made up path.
As we neared Keyhaven we came across several bird watchers. One of them seemed to get quite a start when he heard an Arctic Tern. The British Birds App for iPhone is very realistic!
We then spent a few very enjoyable minutes sitting on a wooden seat watching the sailors and having our morning break.
They day cleared up considerably after we started on the return leg along the Solent Way. The mist lifted, the clouds cleared and the sun came out.
We had a pleasant stroll back to the Chequers where we had a good lunch. Although the walk was 6.8 miles we got around and back to the pub in good time for lunch. This was helped by the fairly even ground and the fact that the walk was almost entirely flat.
Haddock and Chips cost £9.50. It was very good and the service was nice and friendly.